A Fresh Start for a New Country

A new coffee from Nespresso has provided a much-needed boost to South Sudan’s farmers and, says agronomist Jennifer Poni, given women a stake in the country’s economy
Nov 30, 2015 10:00 AM ET
“Those who abandoned their farms, or who are not planting coffee, can now see that there are good profits to be made,” says agronomist Jennifer Poni. Photograph: TechnoServe/PR company handout

Originally published on the Guardian

Producing the best-quality coffee is a complicated business. When it comes to growing coffee, for example, farmers need to know how best to plant the coffee seedlings, how much to water them and how to harvest and process the beans.

Jennifer Poni, an agronomist with TechnoServe in Yei, South Sudan, ensures that the farmers she works with grow the best coffee they can. TechnoServe is a non-profit organisation working with Nespresso to produce, in this instance, its new Suluja ti South Sudan coffee.

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