Keysight's 2020 Environmental Progress

Jun 4, 2021 1:00 PM ET

As featured in the Keysight Technologies 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility R…

Keysight’s environmental programs span global operations with the intent to conserve natural resources, reduce emissions, minimize waste, and prevent pollution. To achieve these objectives, we adopt innovative solutions for continual improvement in our operational and site management practices as well as our working relationships with suppliers and contractors.

Environmental Health & Safety, Security – Providing a healthy, safe work environment for all employees and set of policies for product safety and security
  • Continued to employ ISO 14001:2015 certified company-wide EHSMS to drive continuous reduction of adverse environmental impacts from our operations and products, and promote a healthy work environment
  • Maintained use of the GSE requirement to set restrictions for hazardous substances in materials and components used in our products
Conservation – Natural resource conservation and greenhouse gas reduction
  • As of end fiscal year 2020, and based on our fiscal year 2015 baseline, Keysight has:
    • Recognized 8% in energy conservation
    • Recognized 18.9% in water conservation
    • Decreased operating expenses and increased resource efficiency, with a cost avoidance to date of approximately $1.5 million
  • Solar Sustainability program maintained the one megawatt, three-acre solar system at our headquarters facility in Santa Rosa, CA that reduces our carbon footprint, provides 5% of the site’s electrical needs; in addition, there are 54 electric vehicle charging stations onsite for employee use
  • The COVID-19 pandemic situation also provided the opportunity to reduce emission generating activities, specifically business travel and employee commuting
Extended Producer Responsibility – Pollution prevention and hazardous waste minimization
  • Product Take-Back program continued to enable customers to safely dispose of or recycle used instrumentation in several countries
  • Keysight’s Remarketing Solutions business continued to support recovery and repurposing of older instruments for resale, minimizing landfill impact while providing customers access to competitively priced equipment

Looking Forward in Environment

As we look forward, Keysight remains steadfast in our commitment to CSR and building a better planet. In fiscal year 2021, Keysight is planning to further our efforts and is committed to achieving net zero emissions in company operations by end fiscal year 2040, in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s preferred goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Interim science-based targets across relevant scopes will be set to ensure progress towards goals.

Learn more about Keysight's progress in our 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report