Northern Trust Partners Think Green

Nov 15, 2017 10:40 AM ET

Partners Think Green (PTG) is Northern Trust’s global partner environmental engagement program aimed at increasing awareness of sustainability issues, promoting best practices and unifying environmentally focused business operations under the same umbrella. The PTG program enables close collaboration between our building managers and PTG champions—partner volunteers—in delivering consistent environment-related messages, gauging partner feedback throughout policy implementation and advocating for increased commitment to conservation and protection of environmental resources. PTG organizes Earth Day celebrations as well as other environment-related volunteer opportunities and has been a key activator of behavior change in Northern Trust’s culture around climate change and other environmental issues.

Local Communities

Northern Trust functions as a global citizen whose contribution to building a healthy, sustainable environment involves deep regard for the surrounding communities. Our footprint affects the larger ecology and can make tangible differences in the lives of community members, which is why we are meticulous in forecasting and reducing any environmental risks or harms induced by our business operations.

We also believe in the power of community-based actions in affecting positive change for the good of our planet and future generations. Northern Trust commits its resources in ways not limited to capital support and partner volunteerism to assist with local initiatives and organizations focused on environmental awareness and protection. We are a longstanding sponsor of the Chicago Botanic Garden as well as other land trust organizations and local youth programs that aim to increase appreciation of biodiversity and motivate sustainable actions in everyday life.

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