An Alliance to Fight Food Waste and Food Insecurity in Colombia

Herbalife Nutrition supports food banks to Colombia to help address issues of food insecurity and waste
Aug 27, 2020 4:20 PM ET

I Am Herbalife Nutrition

Every second, 41 tons of food are wasted around the world. This is a shocking number, especially when placed next to the figure for food insecurity, which indicates that they do not have sufficient or stable access to their daily nutritional needs. According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, food is not guaranteed for more than 820 million people.

The situation in Colombia is no different. While 9.76 million tons of food is wasted on annual basis, 54.2 percent of the homes faces food insecurity. In addition, food waste has significant impact on the environment, filling up landfills and producing a large amount of methane. Greenhouse gases such as methane and CO2 absorb infrared radiation and heat up the earth’s atmosphere, causing global warming.

Juan Carlos Buitrago Ortiz, Directorof Colombia’s Food Banks Associationdiscusses the role food banks play in solving issues for food insecurity and waste and how partners like Herbalife Nutrition help support in providing nutritious food to their communities through their Nutrition for Zero Hunger initiative.

Read more about how the food bank, Asociación de Bancos de Alimentos de Colombia (ABACO) is dedicated to helping its most vulnerable populations.