Bringing Green and ENERGY STAR to My Work Environment

May 16, 2012 10:00 AM ET

Bringing Green and ENERGY STAR to My Work Environment

By: Melissa Franolich, Sustainability Manager, LG Electronics USA, Inc.


Generally, I find that when I mention energy efficiency or sustainability to friends and colleagues, it makes their eyes glaze over, and they think that I’m out to push a green agenda.   But, what they don’t realize is that being “green” can do so much to change people’s lives—it can shrink monthly energy bills; it can reduce health damaging pollutants; and it can even create and inspire innovation.  And in my work world, it can create a movement!

I’ve seen remarkable results with programs such as “Bring Your Green to Work with ENERGY STAR®” right in my own office.  For the past several months, LG Electronics USA has been promoting energy efficiency and other sustainability topics with monthly “Live Green at LG” email blasts.  As part of this campaign, we’ve been sharing ways to make our offices greener by making more informed choices.   From changing the power management settings on our computers to unplugging electronics when they are not in use or fully charged, to remembering to turn the light off when you’re the last one leaving conference rooms and offices—these tips are really catching on!


Just as health studies have found that adapting healthy habits can motivate others around us to do the same, the best motivation for inspiring behavior change when it comes to being environmentally friendly is seeing others adapt green behaviors.

Making this green transition in the office means getting our operations team to order recycled content printer paper and encouraging double-sided printing.  It means removing paper coffee cups in favor of LG branded recycled corn-based plastic mugs.  It means using ENERGY STAR qualified equipment everywhere at the office (and at home!). And, it means constantly coming up with simple and easy steps to make our corporate culture even greener.

In the coming months, LG will undertake an internal Eco-Challenge whereby employees will be asked to make individual commitments to reducing their own carbon footprint.  This initiative will support our industry-leading goal of reducing greenhouse gasses in LG’s U.S operations by a whopping 50 percent by 2020.  Plus, as a proud 2012 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year, LG believes it has an obligation to help educate employees and keep them excited about their role in a sustainable workplace.

We all know the adage: actions speak louder than words. Working with my colleagues, I want to show how together we can make a positive difference to improve energy efficiency and protect our environment.  And it’s not hard to do; small steps add up to giant leaps forward.  ENERGY STAR provides me with ample resources to help make this happen.

Melissa Franolich is the Sustainability Manager for  LG Electronics USA, Inc.  LG Electronics is a 2012 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year award winner.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.