Ecocentricity Blog: Building a Bridge

By Guest Blogger, Chantel Lanier
Feb 14, 2017 11:30 AM ET
Campaign: Ecocentricity Blog

Building a Bridge

Hi! My name is Chantel Lanier, and I’m John’s wife. Back in December he invited me to be a guest blogger, and I’ve been kicking around this post in my head ever since. The headline comes from a poem I’ve always loved called “The Bridge Builder,” by Will Allen Droomgoole. It’s about an old man who crosses a stream and then turns around to build a bridge over it. Another traveler remarks, “’You are wasting your strength with building here;/ Your journey will end with the ending day,/ You never again will pass this way.”

Lately, when I’ve heard some people talk about climate change, it has reminded me of this poem. This is because a lot of the dialogue around climate change sounds like the traveler’s attitude.

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