Graeme Byrd to Lead Net Impact Portland Professional Chapter - A blog by FMYI

FMYI | a blog about empowering teams to make a difference
Dec 14, 2010 6:14 PM ET

Graeme Byrd to Lead Net Impact Portland Professional Chapter

Please join all of us at FMYI in congratulating Sales and Marketing Manager Graeme Byrd for his recent election as Chapter Leader of the Portland (NW Oregon) Net Impact Professional Chapter.

Net Impact is a global organization of students and professionals using business to improve the world. With a portfolio of programs and initiatives including an annual conference, it educates, equips and inspires more than 15,000 members to make a tangible difference through business. Spanning six continents, its membership is one of the most influential networks of students and professionals in existence today and includes current and emerging leaders incorporate social responsibilitysocial entrepreneurship, nonprofit management, international development, and environmental sustainability.\

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