Sustainability Messaging Gone Wrong and 3 Essential Lessons Learned

Your CSR strategy may be an easy target for gossip and misinformation - but don’t worry, staying on top of it is easier than you think.
Dec 29, 2010 11:00 AM ET


Social Media at it's Worst   Social Media is, without question, an incredible development of the people, by the people, for the people. It's democracy at its best and - unlike the government - it functions in real time. Most days, I'm in relative awe of the power of social media to connect people, extend relationships and empower communities. But like all good things, social media has it's dark side - a dark side that reminds me all too much of that age-old game, "Telephone."   For Example...   You may have received an email a few weeks ago calling on the public to react to horrific acts taking place in Costa Rica. On a beach in Guanacaste, where hundreds of endangered sea turtles lay their eggs each year, villagers were sneaking out to steal the eggs in order to use them for food. In effort to protect this doomed species, activists utilized social media to spread the word and beg for a public outcry.
  The activists however, would have done well to check their facts.   The Facts   In reality, the story was entirely different. The photos are of the Conservation and Use of Ridley Sea Turtle Eggs Project (Lepidochels olivacea) at the Ostional National Wildlife Refuge in Guanacaste. 
Apparently, there are only a couple dozen beaches on the entire planet where these turtles come to nest each year. As many as 20,000 turtles dig nests at a time. This scenario is repeated over three or four nights. Unfortunately,  many of these precious eggs are destroyed by other turtles trying to dig their own nests.   “Scientists figured that by removing eggs laid during the first two nights, the rate of successful hatching and hatchling survival might increase. Thus was born an experiment unique to Ostional. Elsewhere throughout Costa Rica, taking marine turtle eggs is illegal. Yet poaching of nests nationwide has been a constant problem due to a traditional demand for eggs for baking and as (supposedly) aphrodisiacal drinks in bars and brothels.   An exception to the law was granted and the Ostional community was legally permitted to harvest a specific amount of eggs for commercial purposes under the supervision of the Ostional Internal Development Association (ADIO in Spanish). Only eggs stamped with the ADIO trademark may legally be sold (packed in sealed bags displaying the association’s logo and sold with corresponding invoices) and purchased in Costa Rica.” (Read more about it here.)   The result has been a notable increase of the Ridley Sea Turtle population. Also, the legal eggs have virtually destroyed the market for illicit poaching of eggs on other beaches.    The Moral of the Story Click here for the "Three takeaways for companies regarding CSR & Social Media"


RealizedWorth works with companies to design and implement outstanding Employee Volunteer Programs with a sustainable approach that enables the leadership and influence of the employees themselves. This approach elevates employee volunteering from a task-oriented activity to a transformative experience creating essential value for the company, the employees and the community.