The Ravens Aren't the Only Ones Celebrating

Feb 6, 2013 4:00 PM ET
Campaign: mBlog


As the Ravens revel in the Super Bowl win and fans everywhere recover from the festivities, mGive celebrates another type of victory. On February 3, during Super Bowl XLVII, the Wounded Warrior Project tapped into the tendency of football fans everywhere to have their phones in-hand and asked viewers to become everyday philanthropists by making a $10 text donation. (Check out the heart-tugging PSA here.)

This marked five years since the launch of the very first text campaign – also promoted at the Super Bowl!  In 2008, when the Giants and the Patriots faced off, football fans everywhere pulled out their phones and with simple text communication helped kids stay fit by supporting United Way. That very first call-to-action in the U.S. launched a platform that changed fundraising and started a revolution of philanthropic giving.

However, it doesn’t take a Super Bowl ad to tap into the power of rallying the masses in a moment’s notice. Groups like the United Way and Wounded Warrior Project just remind us how powerful the mobile channel can be. We constantly work to ensure that mGive gives every nonprofit that same powerhouse to tap into – no matter what opportunity is before them.

So, Happy 5th birthday text campaigns! mGive is proud to be leading the text industry into a powerful and innovative future.

Stay tuned as we continue this three-part series by looking at how mGive has evolved in the past five years, and how the mobile industry has advanced philanthropy.