Innovating with Purpose: Perspectives from the SDG Leadership Forum

SDG Goal 9 Leadership Forum hosted by GlobeScan / VMware
Apr 16, 2019 4:55 PM ET

VMware partnered with GlobeScan for an online discussion of Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

150 participants explored the key ways innovations in technology and digital infrastructure can be used to drive and support sustainable economies and environments.

“Meeting any of the SDGs will take an enormous amount of collaboration among governments, NGOs, and nonprofits, and the private sector." said Nicola Acutt, Vice President, Sustainability at VMware. "Progress requires all of us and I am encouraged by the people that participated in the Globescan SDG Leadership Series. We are all dealing with complex, global challenges each and every day, and here at VMware, we share the conviction that everyone can play a role in advancing progress.”

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Read the original post on GlobeScan