Hello to Year 2020 & the Start of the Third Decade of the 21st Century – Climate! Climate! Climate! is the Dominant Theme of News & Commentary!

G&A's Sustainability Highlights (01.09.2020)
Jan 14, 2020 10:00 AM ET

Hello to Year 2020 & the Start of the Third Decade of the 21st Century – Climat…

It is a favorite pursuit of journalists and commentators at each year-end and the start of the new calendar year to look back and look forward to identify “top stories” and significant trends of the year past.  And to look ahead at “what might be” in the new year.  We present a few of these musing for you in this first newsletter of the year 2020.

Writing in the Harvard Business Review, author Andrew Winston (best-seller “Green to Gold”) in reviewing “big themes” of 2020 in sustainability, explains that “changing climate” has always been included in yearly wrap-ups.  After 2019, it is to be a permanent “big story”.

The 2019 weather headlines were about heat in Europe; floods in the USA; fires in Australia and the USA; vicious storms in the Caribbean and in Africa…all of this becoming our norm now. (As we write this in 2020, the Australian nation is in crisis, personal, business, national, as fires consume millions of acres, destroy homes and businesses, kill wildlife, and tragically, humans are dying as fires spread.)

There are eight “fascinating developments” of 2019 presented for you in our Top Story from the HBR/Andrew Winston, starting with the global climate protest movement – and a few forecasts for 2020.

We also present three other 2019/2020 selections from Eco-Business, AdAge and Food Drive on the themes of look back/look ahead.

Our G&A Institute Sustainability Update blog has been featuring commentaries about climate change over the years; we presented a new running series focused on climate as we approached the end of 2019 --  “About The Climate Change Crisis” -- here are the first posts of many to follow:

Click here to sign up and receive alerts whenever news and commentary posts appear on G&A's Sustainability Update Blog.

Note to Our Readers
Beginning this week, we are selecting two or three stories in each category for the Highlights newsletter and posting the balance in each category on our G&A’s SustainabilityHQ web platform.  See the “jump” to the rest of the categories’ posts via the links.  And watch for a new look for the weekly Highlights coming later this month!

This is just the introduction of G&A's Sustainability Highlights newsletter this week. Click here to view the full issue.