Cenovus supports relief efforts in Japan with $50,000 donation to Canadian Red Cross

Mar 17, 2011 5:30 PM ET

(3BL Media / theCSRfeed) March 17, 2011 - Cenovus Energy Inc. is responding to the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan with a $50,000 donation to the Canadian Red Cross for relief efforts.

"As a caring company, this donation supports our belief in helping out in times of significant disaster," says Vicki Reid, Manager, Community Affairs. “We have chosen the Canadian Red Cross as the recipient of our gift because we know that they apply rigorous standards in how their assistance is delivered and who receives it.”

Cenovus will also support relief efforts through its Matching Gifts program, where Cenovus matches employee donations, dollar-for-dollar, to eligible charitable and non-profit organizations up to a maximum of $25,000 per employee, per year.

Cenovus concentrates its community investment in three focus areas: learning, safety and well-being, and sustainable communities.

“Japan is facing a time of great need,” says Reid. “While our main focus is to support the communities where we work and live, there are times that call for us to do the right thing and be prepared to assist outside of our typical boundaries.”

In 2010, Cenovus provided donations to support relief efforts in Haiti and Pakistan, following their own natural disasters.

Cenovus is part of Imagine Canada’s Caring Company program, which requires a commitment to set aside one percent of pre-tax profit to donate to the community through financial and in-kind assistance.
