These Girls Turned a Twist on the `Three Rs’ Into a Vital Lesson for Kids

Apr 24, 2015 4:05 PM ET

Meet the Daily Point of Light Award honorees behind the book, "Bob Has an Idea." Read their story and nominate an outstanding volunteer you know as a Point of Light.

One day, about five years ago, three Oklahoma City Girl Scouts – all avid writers – had an idea for serving their community. They thought: Why don’t we use our love of writing to help make a difference?

And so began the saga of these three young friends, who together wrote a book called, “Bob Has an Idea.”

Bob is a chipper little hedgehog the girls had created as a mascot for their fledgling writing club. And his idea was to introduce young children to a new version of the “three Rs” – reading, writing and arithmetic became reducing, reusing and recycling.

“We noticed that there weren’t many children’s books with environmental themes in our library,” says Ariel McAffrey, now 17 and the eldest of the girls.

Her sister, Ava, now 14, adds, “We love being outside and we wanted to make a positive impact on the environment. Ever since I was young, my mom has told us that it was important not to create too much waste.”

Read the rest of the story on the Points of Light blog.